How - to - Journal Guide

~ Guideline & Instructions for Journaling ~

•If you’re in a state of pre-contemplation or contemplation about journaling (see what I did there? Fine, no more medschool references) you may be wondering how to get started. Not to worry, your Med School Wellness Accountability Buddy is here at your service; so there’s no excuses for why you’re not journalling!

•Journaling can be as simple as getting a sheet of paper and free- writing. It could also be more formulated as you develop your own routine, so until then here’s are some simple guidelines to get you started:

Guidelines & Instructions for Journaling @adedayoandwellness

Happy Journaling 💛

📩 Let me know the comments what your journaling process is like. Are there any additions you would make to the How-to- Journal guidelines?


How I started Journaling