Journaling Pt. 4: Growth & Release

~Growth & Release ~

This week we're doing a dump -- not a photo dump but a feelings dump!

The theme for this week's prompts is "Growth & Release,". We’re celebrating areas of growth and releasing ourselves from things we no longer want to hold on to.

•If you didn't get a chance to try out last weeks prompts, not to worry. It's a new week and today is as great as any to journal.

•If you tried but found it difficult, give it another go. Allow yourself to be free and simply write what's on your mind.

• If you're not sold on this journaling thing, I encourage you to try it out anyway, you may be pleasantly surprised by how therapeutic and freeing it is.

#Let’sTalkAboutIt - Check out related blog post on "Adaptability."

📩 Please feel free to share in the comments how it goes, how you liked the prompts or even suggest a theme for future weeks’ prompts.


How I started Journaling


Journaling Pt. 3: Self-love & Grace